It’s smoky.
In other news, a health update.
Sonogram detected I have a goiter. Confirming I do have an autoimmune disorder, unknown if Hashimoto’s or Graves. No nodules or signs of growths, so no signs of thyroid cancer, just enlarged thyroid. Side note, this is likely why I have such limited vocal ability and experiance vocal fatigue, fun. To be monitored for now, Doctor recommended endocrinologist but feared they wouldn’t take me as a patient currently as I’m not presenting hypo or hyperactive thyroid currently. Holding off for definitive diagnosis, with Doctors approval, as it would be very expensive and likely won’t help currently. If during a blood lab I show hyper or hypo, its almost certainly off to that expensive vacation trip to many specialist doctors and labs. Fingers crossed it holds off until next year and hopefully we can get some better insurance, one way or another.
Funny aside, when she first said “does that sound like a plan?” to seeing the specialist, I said yeah, but I’m financially wounded by it. She sighed, looked at me and said I get it, I have the same crappy insurance you have. GOOD, great, even our health care providers can’t get healthcare. Gooood.
Lymph node swelling is still a mystery, starting a round of antibiotics and steroids to try and get it to clear, but it could also be autoimmune. If that’s the case and still no clearing up after 11 days of antibiotics I will have to see endocrinologist at that point. There’s still some looming scary possibilities there, but at this point I just want the pain to go away. It’s been weeks of basically not being able to function at my capacity else significant pain repercussions and I’m already starting to get significantly mentally worn down from that, physical issues aside. So fingers crossed..again? our gut feelings are correct and its an infection, it gets better, and I can get back to feeling normal-ish again…feeling like I live in a dystopian hell where being unwell is a punishable offense, but normal.
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